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advantages and disadvantages of choosing australia to immigrate
australia has an immigration program which allows the worker – qualified and non qualified immigrant with working experience, access to permanent or temporal residency visas, whether they are or not sponsored, with the objective of filling job positions that are free due to the ageing of the australian population or because they are not qualified.


australian Immigration Program, the best countries in the world, low crime indexes, time zones.

What can make australia appealing in front of the United States of america, canada or some European country, an immigrant will ask him or herself, and the answer must not include only the already known phrase “Land of Opportunities”. or “Heaven on Earth”., due to the access to new working, academic and welfare opportunities, but also the possibility of finding the dreamed job or been discriminated.

The main advantage that every immigrant in australia has, is the favorable attitude that there is towards immigration from the diverse australian governments, that is why the Immigration Programs gives visas of permanent character to qualified and non qualified workers with working experience who are sponsored by a company or who do not have any relationship or family bond in australia.

This attitude of the australian government is related to the ageing of its populations and to the lack of interest shown by its inhabitants towards occupying qualified jobs, which, without a doubt, generates issues in the first class economy it holds.

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another advantage for the immigrants, who are looking for professional opportunities, unlike what is happening in the United States of america and canada, is that the professional title validation procedure, is linked to the professional competences acquired by the immigrants, to the fact that the profession is among the officially required by the australian working market and to the command of the English language.


Many times, the immigrants leave their country looking for safe cities, because the internal security situation in their origin countries is not the most adequate one and australia is considered a safe place due to the low crime indexes it holds, which gives it a special appealing in front of other countries when choosing a country to migrate to.

another reason that makes australia appealing, as a final destination for an immigrant, is its good life standards, produced by the strength of its economy, which is among the strongest in the world and where there is no such thing as extreme poverty (this is affirmed by all of the world’s economic institutions), due to, basically, the subsidies programs provided by the australian government.

This is why it is necessary to mention that in the last few years, among the top ten countries of the world to live in, you can find australia, this has been stated by The Economist, on a survey performed in the year 2007, which awards australia with the seventh place; this was also said by the ONU, which considered australia in the second place in the year 2006.

australia is internationally acknowledged for the exceptional educational level they have got, which favors young student immigrants to move, in order to be able to study in the australian university; entire families to be attracted looking for a better education for their children; and workers who are looking forward to work and study at the same time, in order to be able to obtained better working positions.

australia, been a continent country, has many natural attractions, such as beaches, deserts and on its condition of a first world country, great metropolises such as Sidney, Melbourne, brisbane and Perth.

The weather also plays an important role when choosing a place to migrate to, because, unlike the rough climatologic conditions in canada and in certain zones in the United States of america, in australia, due to its location in the south hemisphere, it has variable climates (hot, tropical, rains); whether in the north, there are summer rains, in the south, the rains are during the winter, which means that you can migrate to australia in any season.

Its condition of a nation of immigrants since its origins, has transformed the australian society in a society who rejects the racial discriminations and in which a non discriminatory immigration policy is applied, accepting everyone who requests a visa for humanitarian of familiar motives.

but not everything is beautiful when you pretend to migrate to australia, it is said that the objective of the australian government is that, with its immigration program, they will be able to cover the human resources necessities they have, so they can handle the worst jobs, the ones that the australian citizens do not wish to do, offering better salaries that the ones they could even get in their country of origin.

another disadvantage is that australia is one of the few countries in the world with a high rate of graduated professionals and professionals with master degrees and PhD’s, which makes it really tough for immigrant workers to be able to compete while looking for a job.

a disadvantage is also the fact that australia is really near asia, which provides better opportunities to asian workers, rather than to immigrants of other latitudes.

Obtaining a visa does not guarantee obtaining a job in australia, because the policy of the australian government is to guide the immigrant so he or she can find a job.

Likewise, even when it sounds unbelievable, the racism is real in australia, there are even computer programs which invite you to “kick immigrants”., because they accuse them to be taking their job opportunities away from them.

The geographic location of australia becomes an issue when the immigrant wishes to return to his or her country of origin, because of the time required (from 24 to 30 hours) to go over long distances, which, without a doubt, considerably increases the cost of plane tickets.

For the same reason, the telephonic communication between australia and the country of origin of the immigrant is not easy, due to the different time zones there are (Eastern Time, Central Time, Western Time) in the diverse regions of the australian territory, which are the equivalent to a difference of more than 10 hour with any time zone of any European or Latin – american country; and, at the same time, between those time zones, there are differences, because the Eastern Time is ahead from the Central Time for two hours and two hours later, you can find the Western Time.

Summing up, the condition of a first class country with a really high life quality and an outstanding educational level, among other qualities, make of australia the future destinations for those immigrants who are not willing to starve, but to progress in a warm environment which makes them remember about their countries of origin.

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